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World Heritage Youth Ambassadors Young People Research


World Heritage Youth Ambassadors produces publications and research on the impact of its work. Links to research can be found below:


World Heritage Youth Ambassadors evaluation of project 2014 – 2017.

SUMMER 2021: Invitation to participate in Cardiff University Research

Youth participation in the World Heritage Sector. An investigation of the impact the participatory learning experience of the World Heritage Youth Ambassadors has on youth agency and voice

Ashleigh Taylor is undertaking a MSC in childhood and youth at Cardiff University, and is completing her dissertation on youth participation in the WHYAMS project.

The research is going to investigate what impact the World Heritage Youth Ambassadors (WHYAMS) has on empowering young people to express, and act, on their views in the World Heritage Sector. We want to explore young people’s understanding of voice and agency and how the experiences within the WHYAMS impacts on this. We want to see if there are any barriers young people experience in being able to voice their views or act on them, and what strategies young people use to make people listen and overcome any barriers they see in the World Heritage Sector. We hope that this research will support the work the program does in helping young people to be listened to effectively and feel empowered to voice and act on their views and opinions.

We are looking for 10 young people who have volunteered with the World Heritage Youth Ambassador program in the last 5 years, for over 30 hours, and are currently aged 13-25. If you feel you meet this criterion, we are inviting you to participate in some research to investigate the impact that WYHAMS has had on youth voice and agency.

The research consists of a 1 hour zoom interview which can take place anywhere in the world and would be sometime that works for you in July, and a 2-hour filmed workshop in Blaenavon. We of course would pay any travel expenses, and as always, there is food!!!! date of the workshop is to be confirmed once the participants are recruited, to fit in with their lives.

You will need a to sign a consent form (and if you are under 18, your parents/carers will also need to sign) to say that you have understood what the research consists of, and you are happy to participate.

Attached below are the information leaflets for adults, and those under, as well as a downloadable consent form.

Contact details

If you would like to discuss the research with someone beforehand (or if you have questions afterwards), please contact:

Ashleigh Taylor
Department: School of Social Sciences
Address: School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University, Glamorgan Building, King Edward VII, Cardiff, CF10 3WT
Tel: 07894910149