Supporting Professionals
Consultation with our partners, local communities and professionals working within World Heritage Sites told us that there was a lack of confidence, and in many cases, skill to engage with the teenage years,
One of the core objectives of the World Heritage Youth Ambassadors is to ensure that all young people are supported by the adults who work alongside them. For us this means that adults working with young people within the World Heritage Sector are trained and able to use youth work techniques and principals to appropriate and positively engage young people.
To support professionals and communities, we offer training, an online World Heritage learning and engagement network of peers, and opportunities to work alongside us, often funded, to deliver work based on our model of engagement. We know that when the adults around young people feel confident in their own abilities to engage them, young people thrive, and so their voice becomes better represented in the sector.

Adult Training

WH:UK Learning and Engagement Network
