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World Heritage Youth Ambassadors Networking Advocacy

Networking and Advocacy

World Heritage Youth Ambassadors Young Active People


Our advocacy work supports young people to express their views thoughts and concerns on things that matter most to them, as well as their thoughts on World Heritage.

We support young people to access information, advice and guidance on everything from school and careers, sexual and mental health, housing and services that will help them develop of get the support they want and need.

We also advocate for a youth voice and youth practice to be embedded in all heritage sector, but particularly world heritage. We do this though presenting at conferences, sitting on policy groups, writing papers, undertaking research, and providing training.

Book a Speaker

Our staff regularly do talks and present at conferences and meetings on a variety of topics related to heritage and youth.

If you would like to book a speaker for your event, please Contact Us.

There is a small charge for booking a speaker.

Speakers Available

Ashleigh Taylor MA AMA. Director of Development.
Ashleigh has over 15 years’ experience in working in the field of heritage, youth, community and voluntary engagement.

World Heritage Youth Ambassadors Blaenavon Group

Youth Networking

We aim to provide young people involved with World Heritage across the UK with a place to meet, talk about the things that matter most to them and World Heritage, and socialise. We do this though our social media channels, and our Youth board.

We also hold national activities for young people to come together when we are able to. These will be advertised as they are run.

Adult Networking

While This project recognises that Young People aged 13-25 are a major human resource for development and key agents for sector change and technical innovation, World Heritage Site’s told us they needed more support and training to capitalize on this.

One of the ways we address this, is through the “learning and engagement” network of key adults and professionals. This UK wide World Heritage learning, and engagement professional network is run in association with WH:UK.

WHLEN is an open network of professionals, organisations and individuals involved in work relating to learning and engagement within World Heritage Sites.

The network is a place to share knowledge, best practice, resources, and exchange ideas between the communities and organisations operating within World Heritage sites of the UK. The network will facilitate collaboration, partnerships, peer support and provide the opportunity to demonstrate the value and worth of learning and engagement.

The free network is open to anyone who is involved in World Heritage and learning and engagement, you do not need to be a member of WH:UK to join.

For dates of the WHLEN, and how to book onto the next meeting please see our events calendar.