Mental Health and Wellbeing Support
We know that the teenage years can be difficult for our young people at the best of times, but since the Covid Pandemic life has become even harder for many of our young people.
- 20% of adolescents may experience a mental health problem in any given year. This has increased since the Covid pandemic with the young minds survey in 2020 finding that 69% of young people described their mental health as poor.
- 50% of mental health problems are established by age 14 and 75% by age 24.2.
- 10% of children and young people (aged 5-16 years) have a clinically diagnosable mental problem3, yet 70% of children and adolescents who experience mental health problems have not had appropriate interventions at a sufficiently early age.
- Over a quarter of young people said that mental health support was LESS now than before the Covid pandemic began.
- Poor mental health, left untreated, can lead to a lifetime of difficulties.
(Source mentalhealth.org.uk and youngminds.org.uk)

We know that being engaged in the arts and cultural experience has a powerful and long-lasting positive impact on mental health and wellbeing for all ages. Being involved in arts and culture allows young people to become happier and healthier by building self-confidence, better communication, resilience, and a way to express emotions. Simply by being involved in the World Heritage Youth Ambassadors, young people can build their wellbeing.

Within our program, we offer support to any of our young people who may be struggling. While we are not trained councillors; we listen and can direct our young people to our many partner organisations who are able to provide the appropriate level of support. Most importantly however we provide a safe place where our young people can explore who they are and what’s important to them and access support services if needed.

Below are a list of youth health and wellbeing support websites.
Young Minds
The leading charity dedicated to improving mental health and wellbeing of young people.
Online and phone counselling service for young people up to 19.
0800 1111
Offering information on difficult thoughts, feeling and actions.
National Self-Harm Network
Support forums for young people who might understand and self-harm.
Website with honest information on drugs and alcohol.
Website dedicated to eating disorders.
Child Bereavement UK
Providing support when a child is bereaved.
Women’s Aid
Website and support services for women and children who need support with domestic violence.
CAMHS (Children’s and Adolescence Mental Health Service)
This service requires a referral, however their website has lots of information on where to get help for a wide range of mental health and wellbeing issues.